Game Anarchy Rules and FAQ
Subscription Information
  • You are not buying a Hack, you are buying Subscription Access to our private forums!
  • No Refunds
  • No Swapping Subscriptions
  • No Freezing Subscriptions
  • It is your responsibility to CANCEL Paypal Subscriptions
  • Service may be discontinued at anytime for any reason
  • You are responsible for your own payments through paypal, if your paypal automatically pays again it is your problem not GameAnarchy's we have no control over your paypal.
    If you have a recurring subscription and don't want it to pay again automatically here is how to cancel it:
        1.  Log in to your PayPal account.
        2.  Click History under My Account at the top of the page.
        3.  Choose Subscriptions from the Show drop-down menu.
        4.  Check the From box and change the date back to the year the subscription was created.
        5.  Click Search, and then click Details.
        6.  Click Cancel Subscription.
        7.  Click Cancel Subscription again.
  • You can only use our VIP on a SINGLE Computer
  • Your Account will be Hardware Locked the first time using
  • Extentions MAY be given for downtime
  • Features may be missing or removed
  • We have NO set time for updates, it may take hours, days or weeks
  • You can't PM users until you buy a subscription
  • No Flaming
  • Don't Bump threads
  • Don't Spam
  • NO racist Stuff
  • Respect ALL Admins/Mods and Owners
  • Do Not Advertise Other Hack Site's
  • No Posting of Warez of any kind
  • Do Not Use Proxies to access forums
  • No selling/trading of anything
  • Sig's can be no bigger than 500 x 175 including Words & Pics
  • Account security is your responsibility, If you are hacked for whatever reason, You need to fix it, GameAnarchy is not obliged to give you any extenion due to your negligence.